Aortic stenosis

Study of aortic valve stenosis treatment

The drug under investigation is a substance developed for the treatment of aortic valve stenosis. In these patients, the aortic valve of the heart is narrowed due to calcification. The valve does not fully open, reducing or blocking blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. In this study, ICON is working together with CardioResearch of the UMCG. CardioResearch physicians see these patients regularly at the outpatient clinic and will take care of the recruitment and examination of the patients. The research itself will then be carried out by the ICON study team, whereby the physicians of CardioResearch are nearby and can be called in if necessary. A great collaboration between ICON and the UMCG.
PET (positron emission tomography) scans will be made during the study to investigate whether the drug leads to a reduction in calcification in the heart valve. Just like CardioResearch and the CRU Groningen, the PET center is also located nearby on the UMCG site.